Saturday, July 25, 2015

Fort Worth Children's Museum

Oh Little Lyra, Little Lyra Jane,

You are so precious and so small.  I love your bows, your stretches, and even the way you sleep is so sweet.  

 Today we had a big outing at the Fort Worth Children's Museum.  Your big boys cousins had a good time but I think your Poppa had the best time.  You slept through most of the noise and didn't seem to mind the occasional kisses on your sweet head while you slept.

 We laughed at this picture with you , your Mommy and a baby doll.  Your Mommy is looking like she might be saying,  "  No thank you, I'll just have one baby at a time."  Just know Lyra you changed your Mommy's and Daddy's life for the better.  Babies have a way of knocking off the rough edges on new parents.

I know your Mommy is glad to have Dede close by for help and a extra hand.

Here is a silly picture of Uncle Tim, your Daddy, cousin Charlie and Henry being eaten by a dragon.  Your Aunty Suzy can take some really funny pictures.  We enjoyed the Children's Museum and you will too as you get bigger and can walk and run.  

Your big strong Daddy wanted to get this picture
of you with your big strong boy cousins flexing their manly muscles to defend you against dragons or ninjas or scarey things in the night.

Oscar, Charlie and Henry are crazy about you.  Henry is really glad to be a "big guy" when he is next to you.  I hope you will always have fun with your cousins.

We love you Lyra,  

Your Poppa and Diva


Friday, July 24, 2015

Who loves you more ?

Everyone wanted a chance to hold you. Poppa, Aunty Suzy, Henry, Uncle Tim, Oscar, Charlie and Daddy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Diva meets Darling

Dearest Darling Baby Girl Lyra,

  We meet at last.  Poppa and I have been wanting to hold you for so long.  You are perfect in every way ( but I might be a bit biased!)  Poppa says you fit perfectly in his big strong arms.    
Now that we've met you, how will we ever be able to leave you?  It has been so sweet to see your Big Daddy Bear holding you, changing diapers, and watching you spit up on him!  

Diva and Poppa, along with Uncle Tim, Auntie Suzy and your three boy cousins (Oscar, Charlie, and Henry) rented a big car so we could all ride to Texas together to see you and your Mommy and Daddy.  We had many adventures along the way but you were the main reason we wanted to come.

Poppa and Diva stayed with you and your Mommy and Daddy.  We loved to hold you, rock you, sing to you, and just watch you sleep.  You smile in your sleep...some people say it is gas pains, but I like to think that angels are whispering in your ear.

We loved you before you were born and now that we have held you are officially part of our family and a very large piece of our hearts.

We have some big adventures planned this week.  Just wait till your Tennesse big boy cousins see you and hold you.  

Rest up little one...we all want to hold you .

Poppa and your Diva 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Oh Happy Day!

We are so happy that you have arrived.  Look how happy your Mommy and Daddy are!  If you could see us right now you would see Big Happy Grins on Diva and Poppa's face too.  We are already talking about coming to see you.  Get some rest and don't forget to give Mommy and Daddy some rest too.  See you soon!

Your Excited and Happy

Poppa and Diva