Lyra, Once Upon A Time...your Daddy was my little boy. He was full of ideas and could make up the best stories. He loved to play and will be your best buddy, playmate, cheerleader, and love you your whole life. Diva
Lyra, we are so glad you have your doggies. Lady is such a lover and Falcor is full of energy and mischief. Pets give us love and attention and know when we need hugs. Diva
Lyra, in Savannah, Georgia there is a famous statue of “The Waving Girl”. She used to greet all the boats coming into port in Savannah. You make an amazing waving girl. I bet everyone would wave back when they see your wonderful smile. Your Diva

Lyra Jane, Your beautiful Mommy has a beautiful singing voice . I know you will always love to hear her sing. We look forward to hearing you sing . Diva
Lyra, what fun we had celebrating your first birthday with your cousins in Tennessee this year. We love having all the cousins together. Thank you for bringing Mommy and Daddy for a visit.
Diva and Poppa
Diva and Poppa
Lyra, I love this picture of you and Mommy. It always makes me smile when I see your big smiles. We love you so much and pray for you every single day.
Diva and Poppa
Lyra Jane, we are so excited that you will be a big sister to baby Lucy. You will always have a built-in playmate and friend for the rest of your life. We look forward to seeing both our girls this spring. Diva and Poppa
Lyra, we will miss seeing you this Christmas. We know you will have a wonderful time with Pops and Dede. Blow some kisses in the wind to us. Diva and Poppa
Lyra...just thought I would let you in on a little secret. You have some SUPER Parents. (I bet you already knew that. ) Love you...your Diva
Lyra Jane...you have a silly Daddy that will always try his best to make you laugh (even when you are mad and don’t want to laugh.) Diva had a hard time making him behave when he was a little boy because he always made me laugh. Diva

Lyra, the world is full of wonderful things . I hope you are always in awe of the beauty around you and the wonderful people who love you so much. Diva and Poppa

Lyra Jane, you are our smallest blessing this year but soon will be a big sister. We love you so much and miss you. Know that we pray for you and your wonderful family every day. Always remember you hold a BIG place in our hearts.
Your Diva and Poppa