This was a picture your Mommy posted today. Your Daddy told her to do something silly. Mommy can make silly faces and I know her face will be the first one you want to see.
You already know her voice and I'm sure she has been singing to you throughout the day. Mommy's long hair will tickle your face and make good handles to grab while you are cuddling together.
You are a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful Mommy. No one will love you more or take better care of you.
Your Mommy is a very smart lady. Right now whenever she has a craving she looks really sweetly over at your Daddy and will say, "Baby wants ice cream." Your Daddy grabs his shoes and the car keys and heads out the door with a smile.
Your Poppa and Diva started praying for your Mommy before she was even born. We were so in love with our baby boy ( your big handsome Daddy) that we began to pray every night for the beautiful woman that would one day be his bride. Do you want to know what we thought about your Mommy when we first met her? We were so thrilled that God had brought her into your Daddy's life. We could tell right away that she was God's choice and the perfect match for your Dad.

Keep growing little one. Remember we pray for you every single day and dream about holding you in our waiting arms.
XOXO.....Your Diva and Poppa