This is a picture of 4 generations. This is Emma, Auntie Becky, Diva and my great grandmother.
Your great grandmother lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and just turned 88. She lives alone and is fiercely independent. She does not see very well so she does not drive anymore. She hires a nice lady who drives her to get groceries or go to appointments.
She loves her yard and flower garden and grows roses. She hates when all the leaves fall off the trees and into her yard. She will go out almost every day to rake and bag leaves that have fallen.
She loves her church and especially her Sunday School class. When Diva and Poppa go see her we go to Sunday School with her in the ladies class. Poppa says, he is one of the girls and all the older ladies love him.

Great grandmother loves to play Parcheesi. It is a board game with dice and lots of rules. Great grandmother is an excellent player and is very competitive. She very seldom loses. When you are older we will teach you her favorite game.
Great grandmother doesn't travel anymore so maybe your Daddy and Mommy will have to take you to Virginia Beach to meet her one day. She is very excited about your arrival and also prays for you every single day. What a lucky girl you are to have so many people who love you and pray for you.
XOXO your Diva
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