Saturday, July 25, 2015

Fort Worth Children's Museum

Oh Little Lyra, Little Lyra Jane,

You are so precious and so small.  I love your bows, your stretches, and even the way you sleep is so sweet.  

 Today we had a big outing at the Fort Worth Children's Museum.  Your big boys cousins had a good time but I think your Poppa had the best time.  You slept through most of the noise and didn't seem to mind the occasional kisses on your sweet head while you slept.

 We laughed at this picture with you , your Mommy and a baby doll.  Your Mommy is looking like she might be saying,  "  No thank you, I'll just have one baby at a time."  Just know Lyra you changed your Mommy's and Daddy's life for the better.  Babies have a way of knocking off the rough edges on new parents.

I know your Mommy is glad to have Dede close by for help and a extra hand.

Here is a silly picture of Uncle Tim, your Daddy, cousin Charlie and Henry being eaten by a dragon.  Your Aunty Suzy can take some really funny pictures.  We enjoyed the Children's Museum and you will too as you get bigger and can walk and run.  

Your big strong Daddy wanted to get this picture
of you with your big strong boy cousins flexing their manly muscles to defend you against dragons or ninjas or scarey things in the night.

Oscar, Charlie and Henry are crazy about you.  Henry is really glad to be a "big guy" when he is next to you.  I hope you will always have fun with your cousins.

We love you Lyra,  

Your Poppa and Diva


Friday, July 24, 2015

Who loves you more ?

Everyone wanted a chance to hold you. Poppa, Aunty Suzy, Henry, Uncle Tim, Oscar, Charlie and Daddy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Diva meets Darling

Dearest Darling Baby Girl Lyra,

  We meet at last.  Poppa and I have been wanting to hold you for so long.  You are perfect in every way ( but I might be a bit biased!)  Poppa says you fit perfectly in his big strong arms.    
Now that we've met you, how will we ever be able to leave you?  It has been so sweet to see your Big Daddy Bear holding you, changing diapers, and watching you spit up on him!  

Diva and Poppa, along with Uncle Tim, Auntie Suzy and your three boy cousins (Oscar, Charlie, and Henry) rented a big car so we could all ride to Texas together to see you and your Mommy and Daddy.  We had many adventures along the way but you were the main reason we wanted to come.

Poppa and Diva stayed with you and your Mommy and Daddy.  We loved to hold you, rock you, sing to you, and just watch you sleep.  You smile in your sleep...some people say it is gas pains, but I like to think that angels are whispering in your ear.

We loved you before you were born and now that we have held you are officially part of our family and a very large piece of our hearts.

We have some big adventures planned this week.  Just wait till your Tennesse big boy cousins see you and hold you.  

Rest up little one...we all want to hold you .

Poppa and your Diva 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Oh Happy Day!

We are so happy that you have arrived.  Look how happy your Mommy and Daddy are!  If you could see us right now you would see Big Happy Grins on Diva and Poppa's face too.  We are already talking about coming to see you.  Get some rest and don't forget to give Mommy and Daddy some rest too.  See you soon!

Your Excited and Happy

Poppa and Diva

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Daddy decorating your nursery

Who is that man in the white suit with paint brush?

 He looks like your Daddy.  He is your Daddy and he is painting your nursery .  He has big ideas on how he wants it decorated.  You know he loves you think it will be mermaids, and tropical fish?  You know he loves Stars Wars....So it could be space ships and lightsabers!  You know he loves the Mets, so it could be a baseball theme.  You also know he adores your Mommy so I am sure it will be something she likes as well.
Charlie likes your room

Will there be polka dots and the color purple?  I guess we will have to wait and see.  We are all excited to see the big reveal of your new room but even more excited to see your sweet face and hold you in our arms.  We already hold you in our hearts.

    Sleep well, little girl and continue to grow.  We love you and pray for you every day.   

    Your Diva and Sweet Poppa

Sunday, April 12, 2015

27 Weeks and counting

Hello Again baby girl.....

You are growing! According to the book I read ....

How your baby's growing

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (about the size of a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

Just look at how amazing you already are.  Poppa and I pray for you every single day.  We talk about all the adventures we will have and Poppa dreams about all the projects he wants to build with you.  You will discover quickly that you already have us wrapped around your little finger.

Your beautiful Mommy is even more gorgeous now.  She has a pregnancy glow. Every baby is a miracle and I think God smiles whenever he sees her and thinks of how you will forever change the life of your parents. 

Keep growing little one.  We love you and want you to continue to grow strong and healthy.  

 Your Poppa and Darling Diva

Friday, April 3, 2015

Your First Mets Game!

Dearest Baby Girl,

I predicted are already at your first Major League baseball game and may I say you are already making quite a fashion statement.  Your Daddy has loved the Mets ever since he was in high school living in Georgia.  Once a year he and Poppa would go to a Mets game in Atlanta when the Mets played the Braves.  One year your very persuasive Daddy talked your Poppa into painting his face blue and orange and going to the game together.

I told your Daddy then...."always remember how much your Dad loves you, because believe me he would never paint his face and go out in public for me!"

Your Daddy painted his bedroom Mets Orange and painted the Mets logo on his wall.  Poppa was a little reluctant to have an orange bedroom but I assured him that any color can be painted over with several coats of paint.

 You can relax little darling, I'm pretty sure Mommy won't let Daddy paint your room Orange and Blue.  I see purple and polka dots in your future.

I asked your Mommy if you got excited and started kicking during the game.  She said you were very active with all the noise and crowds. 

When I was a little girl.  I used to watch baseball on television with my Daddy.  I always cheered for the teams he wanted to win .  It was a sweet time that I still remember.   ( Don't tell your Daddy but back in the day we were Yankee fans...I saw Mickey Mantel , Yogi Berra , Roger Maris and some of the old baseball greats.  My daddy took me to my first major league game.)

Your family is very sports minded so little princess it won't surprise me if you grow up to be an athlete or cheerleader.  Just know that your Diva and Poppa  will always be your greatest cheerleader.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Your glorious unfolding

Dear Sweet Pea....

This was a picture your Mommy posted today.  Your Daddy told her to do something silly.  Mommy can make silly faces and I know her face will be the first one you want to see.  

You already know her voice and I'm sure she has been singing to you throughout the day.  Mommy's long hair will tickle your face and make good handles to grab while you are cuddling together.

You are a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful Mommy.  No one will love you more or take better care of you. 

Your Mommy is a very smart lady.  Right now whenever she has a craving she looks really sweetly over at your Daddy and will say,  "Baby wants ice cream."  Your Daddy grabs his shoes and the car keys and heads out the door with a smile. 

Your Poppa and Diva started praying for your Mommy before she was even born.  We were so in love with our baby boy ( your big handsome Daddy) that we began to pray every night for the beautiful woman that would one day be his bride.  Do you want to know what we thought about your Mommy when we first met her?  We were so thrilled that God had brought her into your Daddy's life.  We could tell right away that she was God's choice and the perfect match for your Dad.

You are such a lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents to love and protect you .   Be kind to Mommy.  Let her sleep and don't kick her too hard while you are practicing your swing dance moves. 

Keep growing little one.  Remember we pray for you every single day and dream about holding you in our waiting arms. 

XOXO.....Your Diva and Poppa

Friday, March 20, 2015

You are already making an impact on me

Dear Darling Girl,

Did you know that you are already a good influence on your Diva?    

Today is the first day of spring and despite the gloomy weather in Virginia I am invigorated to celebrate spring.  I love Spring .

Spring starts the greening of the grass, and the flowers start to bloom adding glorious colors to the landscape .  Spring means shedding winter coats, sweaters, hats, gloves, and finding sandals and favorite spring clothing.  It means baby animals (calves and lambs) in the fields and it signals your arrival is getting closer.

We are so excited to see your sweet face that we have gone into training.  Exercise, eating better and getting more sleep so we will be in tip top shape to travel and be there to welcome you into the world.

Know that we pray for you and your sweet parents every single day.  Diva will do a happy dance once we know you have arrive safely and my little boy (your Daddy) will become your dragon slayer, problem solver, and your first love.

Happy Spring beloved....we look forward to seeing you with breathless anticipation.


Your Diva and Poppa

Monday, March 16, 2015

How to Become a Fantastic Diva

13 ways to be a Fantastic  Granny Diva
  1. Always carry lots of pictures. Don't wait until the baby is born, start with the ultrasound images and go all the way through graduation.
  2. Listen intently to other people talk about their grandchild. This is not as easy as it sounds.
  3. Select a proper grandma name that 1) you like, 2) the child can pronounce and 3) will not be embarrassing when it is shouted loudly in the grocery store.
  4. Ask God to bless your grandchildren and pray for them every day.
  5. When your grandchild is fussy or behaves poorly, always have a good excuse.
  6. My favorite excuse is "The poor little doll is just so tired. And you would be too if you had been hauled around all day. Another good excuse is "The poor little angel is cutting teeth!" These two are good but you need a good spare or two for really tough times.
  7. You will want to have special nicknames for them as they grow, but continue to call them by their name. We all like to hear the sound of our own names.
  8. When something gets broken at your house, remind yourself and your grandchild that people are more important than things.
  9. Get a bigger purse-a small suitcase will do also-so that you can always pull out a new toy, candy or distraction of some kind at just the right moment.
  10. Think back on your own grandmothers and try now to realize just how much they loved you. At the time you had no idea of their deep love because it is unexplainable. You must experience it for yourself.
  11. Have Grandma Camp one week every summer. Plan cookouts, crafts, sports, and all the things kids love. For the following week schedule a massage, plenty of bed rest, and post a sign that the kitchen is closed until further notice.
  12. Never miss a chance to tell them you love them. The days are short and years pass quickly. What a better way for them to remember you than, "She always told me how much she loved me."
Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do.  Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children. ~Alex Haley


Back rubs and Chocolate Chip Cookies

Dear Cookie.....(That's because you're the sweetest thing around!)

By now you are probably thinking  Poor Diva. She doesn't know my name. Your darling Diva has "pet names " for everyone and you will have so many.

Don't be surprised if you get the name of "Cookie Monster" as we are a cookie loving family. When we were dating your Poppa told me, "If you can bake a decent chocolate chip cookie and give a good back rub, I'll marry you!" Silly man had no idea that I was the world's best back rubber and cookie maker! He soon learned and asked me to marry him about a month after we first met. (You see, your Poppa knows a good thing when he sees it!)

Your Daddy loves to have his back rubbed and will pull up his shirt and say, "Woman, start scratching" when he sees me. Your Daddy loves Oatmeal Scotchies (Oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips) since he is not a big chocolate lover other than Reese's  Peanut Butter Cups.

I make a mean oatmeal cookie with cinnamon chips too! You and I will have to experiment and come up with some new cookies. How 'bout sugar gummy worm cookies? Hmmm....I'll have to do some more thinking on that.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Traits I hope you inherit from your Mommy and Daddy

Traits I hope you inherit from your dashing Daddy and marvelous Mommy

1.  Dearest darling ... I hope you look like your Mommy.  You will be doubly blessed as you have a beautiful Mommy and a handsome daddy.  Your Mommy loves the color purple and has beautiful dark curly hair, beautiful skin, and dark lovely eyes.  In my imagination I see you looking like this picture complete with purple polka, bows and matching shoes.

2.  I hope you get your Daddy's sense of humor.  Your Daddy has always been cute and charming.  It was really hard for me to discipline him as he always made me laugh.  He can usually find something funny about whatever situation that makes you sad.  I bet you will have secrets with Daddy that will send you into gales of laughter and making Mommy wonder what is so funny.

3.  I hope you get your Mommy's beautiful singing voice and love of music.  Your Daddy loves music but is not a good singer.  He and Poppa went to a Promise Keepers rally with 20 thousand men singing together.   Later he told me, "Momma I was singing as loud as I could and I couldn't even hear me at all and I might have even been good!"

    4.  I hope you get the ability to sleep anywhere, any time like your Daddy.   Daddy worked a lot of night shifts before you were born so had to learn how to sleep in the day time.  Babies need lots of sleep so for your sake and sake of your new parents I hope you get the ability to sleep through the night quickly.

 5.  I hope you get your Mommy's  love of vegetables and healthy food that will make you grow strong and healthy.  Your daddy loved bananas as a baby and would eat anything as long as he could taste bananas in it.  (Silly baby Daddy!)

6.  I hope you love watching sports on TV and going to TCU football games.  Your Daddy loves all kinds of sports, your Mommy loves TCU.  I'm sure you will have lots of sports jerseys including the New York Mets....your Daddy's favorite baseball team.

7. I hope you have your Mommy's sense of adventure and fun.  Your Mommy likes going out to eat and to different events.  She loves to act and sing and is fearless.    I hope you are as fearless when it comes to excelling in any thing you try. 
8.  I hope you have your Daddy's ability to write and journal.  Your Daddy has always been very perceptive and sensitive and found keeping a journal helpful.  He is even writing a blog for you and your future brothers and sisters.
9.  I hope you will know how much you are loved and cherished and prayed for each and every day.  You are your Mommy's deepest desire and your Daddy's opportunity to be your hero and champion . You will be their teacher and will knock off all their rough edges.  Be kind to your parents, they are new at parenting and  you didn't come with an operations manual.

10.  Your innocence and vulnerability......sent fresh from God. I hope you will come to know Jesus at an early age and trust Him all the days of your life. I know your parents will guide you and help you all through life.

Well that's it my darling baby girl.  You have some pretty awesome parents who are so excited to be your very own.  Don't be surprised when people look at you and say, "you have your Dad's smile or your Mommy's disposition",  all that will be revealed as you grow.  Do know that you will be surrounded by those who love you and pray for you each and every day.

XOXO.....Your Diva and Poppa

Friday, March 13, 2015

The importance of a name

Dearest Darling Baby Girl....

Allow me to introduce you to the other man in Diva's life.  This is your Daddy....Andrew Wallace Bennetch.  I call him Andy and if you ever hear Diva use his whole name then you will know that he is in some kind of trouble with his Momma.

Your daddy is my baby.  I asked your Poppa if he wanted your daddy to be named after him....Charles Thomas Bennetch, Jr. He said no, that your Daddy needed his very own name.  He said that his baby boy would be a godly man and needed a godly name.

 We discussed several names.  I liked the name John Wallace which is a combination of the first names of both of our fathers (John Henry Bennetch, and Wallace Reid Watson) .  Poppa pointed out that there was already a cousin named John and already lots of John Bennetchs  on the family tree.  (When you are older your Daddy will show you "the Red Book" full of the history of our family and all its many members.)

Finally Poppa said, "I have always admired Andrew in the Bible.  He wasn't as dynamic as his brother Peter but the first thing we know about him is that he brought his brother to Jesus.  Andrew was the disciple that brought the little boy with his lunch of 5 fishes and two loaves to Jesus.  Because of Andrew's faith 5,000 people were fed .  I would like to think our son will bring others to Jesus also." 

You need to know that your Diva was a Daddy's girl.  I adored my Daddy and had already decided I would name a son after him if we ever had one.  As much as I adored my dad...."Wally" was never one of my favorite names but Wallace sounds great as a middle name.  So it was agreed upon that if we had a boy his name would be  "Andrew Wallace Bennetch".  My dad cried when I told him I was naming our son after him. 

Another amusing thing you need to know about Diva is my oldest sister loved dolls when we were growing up and all of her dolls had the middle name of Anne.  She had Diane, Marsha Anne, and Sue Anne.   We had agreed that when we grew up she would have all girls and I would have all boys.

As it turned out....she had all boys and I had two little girls .  While I was pregnant with your Daddy she pointed out that both of my girls had "Anne" in their names (Rebekah Joanne,  and Suzanne Renee).  We both laughed at how differently things had turned out than what we always talked about as children.  Before she hung up she asked, " What will this little girl be named?" She suggested the name "Roxanne".  Well as you know my poppet, I didn't have a baby Roxy but I still got an Anne...Andrew that is, our baby boy Andy.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Meet your great grandmother.

Dearest Darling Baby Girl....

This is a picture of 4 generations.  This is Emma, Auntie Becky, Diva and my great grandmother.

Your great grandmother lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and just turned 88.  She lives alone and is fiercely independent.  She does not see very well so she does not drive anymore.  She hires a nice lady who drives her to get groceries or go to appointments.

She loves her yard and flower garden and grows roses.  She hates when all the leaves fall off the trees and into her yard.  She will go out almost every day to rake and bag leaves that have fallen.

She loves her church and especially her Sunday School class.  When Diva and Poppa go see her we go to Sunday School with her in the ladies class.  Poppa says, he is one of the girls and all the older ladies love him.

Great grandmother gets her hair done every Saturday.  One of her lady friends has an appointment with another beautician at the same shop so she drives my mom and they get their hair done together.

Great grandmother loves to play Parcheesi.  It is a board game with dice and lots of rules.  Great grandmother is an excellent player and is very competitive.  She very seldom loses.  When you are older we will teach you her favorite game.

Great grandmother doesn't travel anymore so maybe your Daddy and Mommy will have to take you to Virginia Beach to meet her one day.  She is very excited about your arrival and also prays for you every single day.  What a lucky girl you are to have so many people who love you and pray for you.

XOXO  your Diva

Meet you cousin Emma

 Beloved little girl.

Meet your cousin Emmalee Anne Bennetch.  Emma lives in Canada which is very far away (further than Diva and Poppa can drive) so we don't get to see her as often as we would like.  We always look forward to having her come visit us.

Last Christmas Emma and Auntie Beckie got to come and spend Christmas with us.  We all gathered in Tennessee at Auntie Suzy and Uncle Tim's home so Diva and Poppa had all of our grandchildren together for Christmas.  It was so much fun.  You will like cousin Emma.

Emma is 8 years old and in the second grade.  She loves school and loves to pick out colorful outfits to wear.  She loves My Little Ponies and will teach you all about them.  Her favorite pony is Rainbow Dash and I am sure she will let you play with all of them.  She also likes the Equestria Girls (which are the ponies who  have turned into girls in another world, I know it confuses me too!)  There are cartoons all about the Ponies and I know she would love to share all her vast knowledge on Ponies with you.

Emma loves Halloween and loves to dress up in costumes just like her cousins and your Mommy and Daddy and all your Aunts and Uncles.  Last Halloween Emma chose to be a Mummy and celebrate the day of the dead.  I think she makes a cute Mummy.  As much as your parents (especially your Daddy) love Halloween I am wondering what your very first costume will look like.

Emma is a very active little girl.  This past winter she played ringette . This is her picture in all her skating gear.  It is played on ice and is kind of like hockey.  She scored many goals and also enjoy playing the goalie.  Emma has also played soccer and loves to swim, go to the park, roller skate and ride her bike.

  Emma loves music.  Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are some of her favorites.  Auntie Becky and Emma got to go to a Katy Perry concert this past summer when she was in Saskatoon.   Emma told me that Katy Perry's fans are called "Katy Kats" so that is why she is dressed as a cat.  Katy Perry also sings a song called, "You're going to hear me Roar."  Ask Mommy to sing it for you.

Emma also loves to dress up in princess dresses.  She loves dolls, sparkly clothes, games, reading, drawing, and crafts.  She loves to help cook and loves vegetables.  She likes working in the garden and also loves to camp out.  She likes science and went to space camp last year.

As you can see Emma has lots of interests and will be so happy to have a girl cousin to play with.  I hope you will always be friends and look forward to spending time with her and the boys.

Well, my darling baby girl I know you are anxious to meet the family but for now, you need to grow and develop into a strong healthy girl.  Know that we love you and pray for you every single day.

Your darling diva