Friday, March 6, 2015

Meet Your Crazy Aunts

Dearest Baby Girl.....

Did you know that your big strong daddy is a little brother?   Meet your Auntie Becky and Auntie Suzy.    Auntie Becky lives in Canada with your cousin Emma (age 8).  Auntie Suzy lives in Tennessee with Uncle Tim and your little boy cousins (Oscar (age 6) Charlie (age 4) and Henry (age 2).

Your Daddy will probably tell you that he had bossy older sisters.  They were and still are,  but they love your Daddy and Mommy very much.

Auntie Suzy and Daddy are best buddies.  They have a lot of history together and can break out in laughter over something that none of the rest of us even know about.

Uncle Tim's family lives in Fort Worth so you will probably get to see Auntie Suzy, Uncle Tim and the boys more often.  Know that you are very special and very loved.   Your little boy cousins will treat you like a princess and Henry will feel like a big boy next to you.

 Your aunties are really fun and very creative. Auntie Suzy is a librarian and knows the best books and stories.  Auntie Becky is a university professor and loves to camp, garden, and knows all about things girls enjoy.  These two special ladies in your life will love you and tell you lots of stories about your daddy when he was little.

 Know that we are anxious to hold you and welcome you into our family and into our hearts.

XOXO ....  Your Diva and Poppa

1 comment:

  1. Auntie Suzy will always be your favorite auntie, BTW.
